My So-Called Life III

It was finally cold: sans-sun. Refreshing, but somehow it felt like reminiscence lurks somewhere in the darker corners formed; however, it seems that, because of the lack of light, there’s little room to hide in imaginary shadows.

Well, that’s how a day could start off, isn’t it?

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My So-Called Life II

Everything seems to sit awkwardly still; there’s nothing moving except my fingers, and there’s no one else in here.

Well, I was supposed to be in a triple room, but it seems that both of my roommates never moved in. Well, one did, but he disappeared.

So here I am. Lonely as ever. Makes me miss home a little more.

At first I was afraid of mingling a little; I felt myself alienating myself like usual. Nothing unusual, but I wanted to change something. I tried, and kinda succeeded. Or so I hope, anyway.

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My So-Called Life

Countless weeks of blood, sweat, and cardboard, and finally concluding with only twenty more hours before I may start my three-day holiday… only to have to reassemble my brain for school. Nonetheless, I have never felt so anticipated to go to school in any time frame of my life. It’s a new and epic feeling, but not quite a movie. Yet.

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My family, relatives, and I had dinner at a Cantonese restaurant on the evening of Christmas Eve. As I sat there, bored and discontented (as usual, per se), I was drawn to the attention to horrible table habits. Then I turned to my right: superiority persona, arrogant, and gaudy; above all things that could possibly irritate me.

I sit there, ranting to myself with the past of the cousins and hardships that seem to tie a ribbon around his gaudy figure, bursting novas of frustration that just cannot overwhelm my barrier of collectivism, but try their hardest to.

?Want tea??
?Yeah, sure. Yes please.?

I tapped the table three times with my fingers. *

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