The Footer Fix

Ever have that pesky footer that never seems to sit on the bottom tip of the page because the focusing content is shorter than the navigation? You may want to fix such a problem, but perhaps you may not want to make horrendously long gaps between your footer and your content, and you may not want to use crazy javascript doo-dads just to get the same effect. Look no further! I shall explain, with just simple, logical fragments of codes on how to make your footer as fluid as the height of your design.

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Dirty-Pop Culture

I’m sure everyone remembers that wide-known song by N*Sync: Dirty Pop. Now, let’s take that definition a little bit further. We have the innocent group members of N*Sync to drive the crowds of young girls wild in temptation and fandom. The band breaks – now you’re left with seperate career paths – Lance Bass is doing voice acting and acting in general, J.C. is appearing in rare songs, mostly under electronica (And it’s so rare to find people that listen to this stuff anymore, you’d might as well call it an indie genre), and there you have Justin Timberlake – young, dreamy in the eyes of young girls, and hideously sexual. If it wasn’t Justin Timberlake, would you honestly let your 11-year old daughter or son watch Sexyback, or attempt to extract the meanings of the lyrics? I think not!

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Recipe for Charisma

A cup of good looks, a pint of smooth speech, an ounce of cheesy jokes, and a tablespoon of pervert and sycophant makes a charismatic person – everyone knows the recipe, but why do we always fall for it? If we know that the chemistry of a person’s behaviour is merely false, then why do we compromise their presense so nicely?

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