December 21, 2010. Listed in
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Done exams!
Dinner table set for one, with a whole lotta left-overs on it.
But that’s okay.
I have the day to myself! …
But then I have all that stuff for CAPSI.
And the stuff for IHI.
And my resumé!
And the tests that come after break.
And the Christmas shopping…
I don’t think I’m done. Nothing to myself? That’s no fun.
Oh well. I’ll procrastinate… just a little bit.
December 12, 2010. Listed in
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Take a look at me, being all poser-like taking pictures of random things and actually uploading them. I guess that was my original intent when I said I wanted a camera. A tiny bit saddened that I wasn’t the one who paid for it, though – I got it as a present. Things like that still make me feel a little bit guilty inside.
Throughout the day I’ve been flipping and tossing around these two suspension vials, and once in a while sniffing the paediatrics vial (the amber-coloured one) – I put blackberries as a flavourant. For the medications I’ve taken as a kid, I would’ve loved medicine that tasted like blackberries rather than some sad excuse of what they dare label “cherry”. It would just taste like a bottle of bleach (not that I’ve actually drank any). But what’s more fun is watching that clear bottle of Methocel go from an evenly dispersed placebo suspension to an amalgamated catastrophe of air and suspending agent. It goes to show how much I like to take my stress out on a bunch of suspensions. Wish I could make more of this stuff – just for fun and decoration.
I’ve been studying on and off for the day, and I’m obviously not going to beat the bush; I’ve been procrastinating. I do have an exam tomorrow (technically) and right now (now being 3AM in the morning) I’ve spent most time installing shit for my camera to work, and thereby deciding that I have way too much shit on my camera’s SD card. Went ahead and formatted the shit out of the card and put all of the pictures on this old computer with the other pictures I have. I need to remind myself to do a complete backup of this stuff again, just in case. Like mom and dad used to always say, “never take unnecessary risks”.
Speaking of risks, I think it’s time that I start applying to places for my practical experience thing. I don’t mind working – in fact, sometimes I actually like going to work. I just don’t like the intricacies of “applying” because that’s when you know people like to see fake smiling and false promises. Wouldn’t you find it just as scary to be hiring people based on how well they present themselves rather than what skills they really have? Funny how humans function on deception. No, not inception.
Oh well, I guess I should get some sleep. Need to start studying all this shit over and over again. It’s not that I don’t like it – I just get tired of having to see the same thing continuously for days. It’s sort of like that friend that doesn’t leave you alone – well, I haven’t felt that feeling since grade 3, but I’m sure a lot of other people get that feeling. Makes me wonder if I’m turning into a hermit of some kind.
Like it matters, really.
November 30, 2010. Listed in
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sometimes you wish these things will fall into place on their own, and you wouldn’t need to think much about it.
but reality says otherwise.
November 22, 2010. Listed in
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it’s not like anyone really liked me anyways.
it just means i’ll be back to where i’ve always started.
i hate it.