Title change
I can’t think of anything to write about. I could stare at this blinking cursor for days, and I wouldn’t be able to figure out anything exciting to write about. I could write about some extreme event that happened over the weekend, like some sort of insignificant human event and become the next MSBC, or I could write something with a political standpoint. Maybe I could even write about how my exciting life has been from beginning to end!
But I won’t. As long as ideas are produced, we are closer to the limit as we speak. So, why bother writing? Why bother writing about numerous pages of diary entries painted with a tone of angst, or take a photo of a minute movement of a mouse, and create a story out of it? Why do we attempt to make us, and others suffer the reduction and lack of ability to create more new ideas?
Ideas are fads, where an idea itself lasts forever. Turn on your television, and take a look at the evening news. Why do you think adjectives, subjectivity, and pursuasive language are used, and why graphic photos of blood, gore, and terror even exist? Assimilation destroys ideas. As the mind is exposed to the same topic over and over again, it becomes a part of our daily lives. A television viewer may already expect shootings in an elementary school, deaths of significant people, spontaneous collisions on the highway designed to make you paranoid about your car, or various health conditions that would convince a deassimilated mind to never leave their house. Does this make us cruel and cold-blooded? Or is this the plague of exploiting the use of media arts to catch our attention, only then to become a trigger of adaptation?
Humans have adaptation qualities that surpass many other animals, whether it’s the cold weather of the North, the dry days of a desert, or the scorning sun of Puerto Rico. Unlike other animals, we have obtained a quality to communicate with more than sounds that naturally occur from our bodies: art. We can pursue an announcement of how angry, depressed, happy, or surreal we feel, and over time we have found this quality of our mind “normal”. Why do you think this is normal? – we have been exposed to it constantly.
With that thinking, if we are to be exposed with constant repetition, we will be come adapted to the enviornment. Think about your neighbourhood. Are they nice, friendly, and do the rest of your neighbours know each other? Are there children playing on the streets during the day? Is there a natural curfew? Brampton is evidence of the change in the “typical” neighbourhood. Rarely are there children outside because of the evolution of technology in both a detrimental and beneficial sense. Some may aquire more knowledge from using a computer, or they may learn new things from watching the television, or maybe through video games. It allows children to keep themselves occupied such that they are not exposed to consistant boredom. Cars have been a great way from getting from one place to another. However, because of these new adaptations, “excitement” has raised its expectations because the technology generation are provided more exciting choices than the older generations. We are then exposed to new problems: Lack of activity, dangers due to collisions, and worst of all – health hazards both inside and outside. The Toronto area is known for constant smog alerts and slightly poor air quality, and therefore it is not healthy to stay outdoors for long periods of time. However, staying inside and lacking activity opens up new health issues, such as weight, respiratory, or simply laziness.
This may not seem relevant, but it proves that human adaptation can change so quickly, and people, as little as they may notice, will adjust according to it, regardless of how far the objects of obscurity may tangent from the current life.
Because of what we are exposed to, we will consistantly become assimilated to what we are given as food for the mind. Our minds are picky consumers – it doesn’t like to eat the same foods over and over again, and it only likes ideas that are flashy and gaudy; we do not have a choice as to what our mind wants to eat – our task is only to feed it. If we can teach our minds to become assimilated to assimilation, we will become conservative to the generation of new ideas, and we could possibly avoid sudden, negative changes to our society today, and we would possibly have more time to work on the problems pending for a solution that we have been disregarding for a long time.
Until we can stop the tangents – unlike this entire proposal – we will only feed our crude, cold-blood tendancies, and eventually these tendancies will consume our sophisication and concern for what’s really behind the photos of guns and blood.