
Yep, that’s right. A new design! It didn’t turn out as good as I thought it would, but it’s a bit better than the last one. I don’t like how constricted the spacing is, but I suppose I’ll learn to live with it for another what, year or more? (eg. the Microsoft trend).

Christmas passed. Not much to think of that seeing how not much actually happened. Family stuff, like every year, except a lot more useless drama I don’t even care to think about. I just care when it starts to affect me. Yeah I hear you – “selfish, inglorious bastard”.

There’s still plenty to do, and yet I sat here making a design for Voukah instead. I don’t think I have my priorities quite straight yet… Let’s see what I need to do:

  • Study for that calculations exam on Tuesday
  • Physiology
  • Med. Chem
  • Resume shit
  • IHI design stuff
  • Pharmaceutical care shit

And plenty of little things right between. And I thought this was supposed to be a break.

On a completely unrelated aside, watching Titanic yesterday (half/lizard-brained, mind you) reminded me of how many years really have passed already. That movie was huge when I was six. Six. Watching that when I’m 21 is strange, because, for example, the actors aren’t as young as they were in the movie.

Good indication that I’m getting old.

Did you know that I actually liked that movie when I was 6? Yeah, completely bullocks, I agree.

On a completely random note, I also want to start uploading small clips of music I’ve been discovering lately. Some of this stuff really needs to get known (even though no one would probably visit here anyways).

  1. I don’t think it’s super bad :-) the content isn’t too constricted and people are generally used to reading columns anyways. it has that nice minimalistic dark feel

    MK January 3, 2011 at 8:31 pm